Tips for the Holiday Party Season: Keeping a Home’s Hardwood Flooring Safe

by | Nov 25, 2015 | Flooring


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With Christmas and Thanksgiving right away the corner, many people are starting to plan out there parties for the year. There are a number of factors that a homeowner will need to consider when trying to get a party put together. Among the most commonly neglected parts of a home during this process is the flooring of a home. In order to keep hardwood flooring looking its best in a Reno NV home, the homeowner will need to consider a few things. Here are a few of the things that a homeowner will need to do when trying to protect their floors during a holiday party.

Think About Getting Professional Finishing Beforehand

When having a party for the holiday, a homeowner will need to think about getting a professional finish put on their hardwood flooring. By getting this finish, the homeowner will be able to add a higher degree of protection during the party. Allowing professionals to perform this job will make it much easier for a homeowner to get the premium results that they are looking. Taking the time to find the right professionals in an area will be worth it considering the benefits they can provide.

Be Careful When Moving Furniture

In most cases, a homeowner will move out the furniture in their living room to make room for their guests. While this is a good idea, it will need to be done with care. Not taking proper precautions during this process will usually lead to the hardwood flooring getting scratched up. If unable to move the furniture by yourself, it will be beneficial for you to use friends and family. The precautions that are taken during this process are worth the trouble and save a lot of damage to the hardwood flooring in a home.

Getting Some Area Rugs

Another great way to keep a home’s hardwood flooring protected during a holiday party is by putting down some area rugs. These rugs will not only add more appeal to a home, they can also help to keep guests from scratching or scuffing the flooring. By taking the time to research the market, you will be able to find the decorative rugs that can add more holiday spirit to the festivities. The time and money that is put into adding these rugs to a home will be worth it.

At Functional Designs, a homeowner will be able to get the hardwood flooring in Reno NV they need. The Professionals at Functional Designs can advise a homeowner on the type of flooring they need.