Our Garden Seeds Are Organically Produced

by | Mar 18, 2015 | Home And Garden


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Here, at Eden Brothers, we take environmental concerns seriously. Our garden seeds that we sell have not been genetically modified or altered in any way. We only offer heirloom and organic varieties – seeds that grow vegetables of the highest quality.

Our organic garden seeds include such vegetables as tomatoes, squash, watermelon, beans, broccoli, corn, eggplant, lettuce, onions, peas, and kale. Again, our goal here at Eden Brothers is to provide seeds which can reduce the carbon footprint on the environment and enhance the health of people who eat the produce that is grown from the seeds.

Better for the Environment

An immediate effect that is produced from using organic seeds is the minimization of upstream pollution that results from the production process. Seeds that are not categorized as organic depend heavily on petro-based fertilizers and pesticides. Therefore, crops produced from garden seeds that are not considered organic receive larger doses of fungicides, fertilizers or insecticides.

As a result, seeds produced by organic means are based on sound ecological practices – approaches to seed production that have less impact on the environment. These practices advocate foregoing the use of synthetic chemicals to enhance plant growth or kill insects. When seeds are produced with sustainability in mind, ground water pollution, soil degradation and erosion are reduced as well

The Use of Synthetics in Plant Production – When it All Began

The organic method of producing seeds for sale is the same approach used by farmers who lived in the 1700s and 1800s. An increase in the use of synthetic chemicals in the production of crops was advocated for use beginning in the mid part of the last century. The use of synthetics garnered a lot of support because farmers realized larger yields, but the advocates and users overlooked the possible effects on people’s health and the environment.

At Eden Brothers, we honor the agricultural traditions of our ancestors by producing premium garden seeds that have not been genetically modified, are organically produced and add interest to the garden historically (our heirloom varieties). We understand the importance of using the right kinds of seeds to produce healthier crops and plants – all which lends to the enjoyment of growing vegetables and herbs for the dinner table as well as for sale.

Better-tasting Produce

Not only are vegetables and herbs grown from organic garden seeds better for your health, they also taste much better than when synthetic additives are applied.

See for yourself why our seeds here at Eden Brothers are the seeds gardeners choose for growing premium vegetables and herbs. Many of our clients rely on our organic seeds for growing the produce they sell at roadside stands.

At Eden Brothers, we guarantee our garden seeds as being a high-quality, premium choice for any gardener who takes his avocation seriously.