Why Commercial Carpet Cleaning Is Necessary

by | Feb 12, 2013 | Home Improvement


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Most homes have tiles, hardwood or carpet for their floors. For homes that have carpet, extra care needs to be given to ensure that the strands remain clean. While vacuuming the carpet may clean it on a superficial level, it does little to remove bacteria and odor. In fact, most experts agree that you should have your carpet cleaned by a professional at least once a year. You can contact a service that does carpet cleaning in Oahu HI.

Your carpet accumulates more dirt and debris than you can imagine. Even though it may appear clean on the surface, it is gathering dust mites, dirt, cigarette smoke and germs. With tiles and hardwood, all the stains and dust are easily visible and can easily be swept and mopped. However, it is much more difficult to clean a carpet. A spill, for example, can quickly damage the strands especially if the liquids come from a sugary beverage, coffee or wine. This means discoloration and unpleasant smells.

An agency that specializes in carpet cleaning in Oahu HI  can get your carpet cleaned no matter how bad the stain is. They will clean every square inch of the carpet or rug using a multi-step process that includes shampooing, steaming and drying. Upon cleaning, you will quickly notice how much whiter the carpet looks after months or years of accumulated dirt is removed.

Think about all the foot traffic the carpet is subjected to on a daily basis. If you add pets to the equation or have smokers in the house, then the carpet will easily gather microscopic particles that can lead to odors and filthy germs. The quality of the carpet can also affect the quality of the air in the room. A dirty carpet can lead to allergies, which can affect sleep quality if the carpet is in the bedroom.

A lot of homeowners prefer carpet over other forms of flooring because it is much more comfortable on the feet and gives the home a nice feel. However, with carpet flooring also comes more responsibilities and maintenance. Cleaning should be done by a service that does carpet cleaning in Oahu HI for the best results. A professional cleaning service will make the carpet as clean as it was when it was first installed into the home however long ago that may be.